BeeWeather Station Uptime and Data Status

 Latitude N 31° 43' 59"    Longitude W 86° 21' 16"    Elevation 420 ft

Station system up for 87 days 2 hours.
Station system free memory 636/1023 MB (free/total).
This website uses Cumulus (1.9.4-b1079) for weather conditions reporting.
It was last started 87 days 2 hours ago.

Component Status Age
Latest update time as of
Wed, 15-Jan-2025 3:21am CST
Cumulus realtime NOT Current 8934:54:53 > 0:00:15
Mon, 08-Jan-2024 8:26pm CST
Cumulus FTP NOT Current 10211:39:09 > 0:05:15
Thu, 16-Nov-2023 3:41pm CST
Cumulus weather data NOT Current 10211:39:04 > 0:05:15
Thu, 16-Nov-2023 3:42pm CST