Photos of the Winter Storm THAW of January 30th, 2014
Well, the thawing has begun. With the forecast for 70F by Sunday along with rain, this ice and slush should be history very soon.A couple of miles west of Rutledge on AL10. Compare to earlier pictures.
Approaching the Little Patsaliga River bridge headed towards Rutledge.
This is at the end of the straight-of-way that you can see beyond the Little Patsaliga River bridge..."Purdue's Curve", more or less just entering the Town of Rutledge town limits.
Almost to "downtown" hall would be just down the road on the right side.
The old Rutledge Primitive Baptist Church on the east side of Rutledge.

This is the intersection of AL10 and US331 north of Luverne known as "The Triangle". The black car see on the left side of the road is actually sitting on one of the raised islands at the intersection. The area immediately at the intersection was still slippery at 10am Thursday morning.
Approaching the Big Patsaliga River bridge that crosses over from Rutledge into Luverne. A string of cars have just crossed the bridge, lead (inadvertently) by a LAPD squad car.
Crossing the Big Patsaliga River bridge that opens up into a 4-lane road. A good bit of sand has been spread across the bridge but there are still icy spots to deal with.
"Dairy Dream Curve"...this was still iced heavily. I pulled over to the side of the road for the next shot...the jeep slid a bit as I applied brakes.
This is a shot from where I pulled over in the Dairy Dream Curve...the Veterans Memorial Park is just to the right of this picture.
A shot coming into Luverne on West 3rd Street
Thursday evening, things are getting back to normal (mostly). ;)

Winter Storm THAW January 30th, 2014
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